Friday, February 16, 2007

my hairrrr.


okay, happy CNY eve's eve! :D
another miniCG msn conference we're having.
lol, all sooo lame.
and i just got to know that only 10+ people went today.
hahaha! :x speechless.

went to watch JUST FOLLOW LAW today.
what i can say is, FANN WONG GOT NO IMAGE ALREADY!
damn damn damn damn damn damn damn funny.
funny to the power of infinity.
why not infinity+1? mr lim said there's no difference! HAHA.

ate cafecartel today.
damn ben and tang!
waste food. you know how bad the sub-saharan children are?
they're starving like nobody's business!
now we have food we should cherish and finish every single bit, that's the least we can do!
haha. spent a long time trying to get this to them.
apparently, i failed.
so i ate everything by myself, didn't finish though.
felt like a fat pig, as always.

MY HAIRRRRR ))))))):

look at my eyes, dead. restless. desperate. whatever.
i'm so sad can.
walao eh.

oh ya.
clarice and i are like, so thoughtful can?
we created names to rank our CG ponners.
Beverly The Goddess.
Fred The King [my life partner, hope dj don't see this! :x]
Clarice The Fairy.
Joanne The Elf.
Wenbin The Goblin.

we haven't think for moon eh! lol.

and i just tidied my posters.
tmr shall clean my table.
found that i got alot of cyndi wang and SHE's posters.
threw most others away, left few SHE's and one cyndi's and vivian's.
haha. pasted up some of the SHE's (:
olevels' over, they shall distract me this year!

spoke hokkien to my mum.
i swear i should not do it again.
my hokkien is like dearest dingjie speaking mandarin! LOL.
no la just kidding my dearest brokeback . [hope fred don't see this! :x]
hahaha. my mum was laughing like crazy.

suddenly feel like posting something random.
lemme think of something funny.

okay, that's all for today first.

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