PLEASE, feel the highness, the happiness, feel everything!
i am truly happpy, today, omg.
do you know, it's after six months of hard work, sweat, tears and time.
after six months of sacrificing, i finally reached my end of cadet life and start a new journey here, in stjohn!
omg, so touched. but the feeling is still so unrealistic. haha.
i can't express myself now, too high.
all i wanna say is,
thank you xmsjab.
thank you alumni, seniors and teachers. all those encouragement were much appreciated.
thank you AA, especially bernie and adam, oh man.
thank you koksiong, especially that night before camp, and the last day of theory phase.
thank you tango! how can i forget, you guys are the ones who motivated me throughout the camp. especially the part where the heights and slope comes in, thanks, i really appreciate that. :)
thank you SI GI AI! :) you know la, haha.
thank you sierra! AGI was fun :D
thank you moon seok and yeeling! haha. although i read your msg after i break camp, but nvm la, thanks ar moon, i waiting for CLL lectures. and yeeling i will change to peakcap soon! :)
thanks mzmaam! haha. your presence in OTC make me feel more familiar.
if i miss you out, it's not that i don't want to thank you.
i'm feeling too high i'm so tired and i can't think like a human. :)
FIDA! another funny one. gdluck for promos :D
seriously he's very zai. continue to jiayou! i really look up to you. :D
BOOBOO! haha. weets. looks like colgate commercial. :x
temasek buddies! :) heh.
the 6 remaining z7 officers [was 18].
with yeanlih sir and mzmaam :D
HAHA, and yes.
division outstanding trainee. :)
dunman got 5 awards out of 8. wa.
hello xinmin, i'm back. :)