went back for compteam training on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (yes! so cool ;D), searched through cupboard and i found this!!! the S3 file of 2006! haha. yes was the head for that year, suddenly remembered that camp. it was the worst camp of my whole stjohn life. i basically screw a 1001 issues, especially that CAMP NIGHT HIGHLIGHT. omg my S3 memebsr of 2006 i hope you guys remembered what we did. it was crazily lousy. i got kahhao and momo as DY! yesyes! hahaha. wow suddenly everything came back. and i scolded adam tr and kahmeng like siao once, about the whistle thing. oh man, haha. that was two years ago. :) times changed. i thought that was a good experience, i learnt and grew after those heart-chilling criticism and self-expectations.
two years later(which is now), my juniors are growing up too! yongqing got more pimples, nab's voice got sexier, mich's got fiercer and fiercer and sk's specs changed for the worse! and even the sickening and very playful leongkahlun is wearing long pants already! oh my, I've been in this homely community for the 6th year. haiya kahlun you better grow up!
ok although we grow up but bernie's diet doesn't change. MEAT MEAT AND MEAT. CARNIVORE. omg. so disgusting.
clarice's birthday yesterday, she looked kind shocked.
happy birthday fairy! :D
went for the station masters thing yesterday, to help out in Orientation. man was it boring! we got chased out of macs and we had to sleep outside the shopping centre, on the floor! somemore it's SIGLAP, i was chased out in somewhere i don't even know where. ZHIYUAN HOW PATHETIC WERE WE (especially me)?! VERY! you better thank us! thank me by pulling moonjy to LEP camp! hahaha :D
went tampines to do some shopping and asked dj out, HE ACTUALLY WAS SO SPORTY AND AGREED! :DDD ok i look super bad in the photo.
am glad that we still laugh like how we did a year ago, although distance and time separate us apart. im happy that we're still good friends :D
AND I REMEMBERED WHAT'S THE 'P' WORD! omg. i spent two thousand years today in stjohn room to think la. no it's not positive, not playful, not perseverance, not punctual, not......, IT'S PARTICIPATE! :D hahahahaha. (faints.)
before i end today's post, let me share with you something cute, from dearest selina. she posted a new year message on the forum for her fans and this is the first part, which is super dumb.
看到大家為我打抱不平又討論這麼激烈 真覺得你們好可愛!!"
After so much in life I came to realise and accept that departures are part of life. It's not a now or never, but rather a sooner or later. I guess, my autumn is coming, and i should fall and return to the ground. I guess I'll be prepared when the time comes.
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