(a sore throat.)
what's life without noise and volume?!
(boring life.)
yes my throat is that sore that i can't speak. my thoughts help me to. :(
from the start of march camp till NOW, i've drank hundreds of litres of water, eaten 18 strepsils, drank half a bottle of pipagao, eaten 10 vicks, drank one bottle of herbal tee and luohanguo thing each, and LOOK AT ME. IT'S GETTING WORSE.
ass, freakshit! lol.
i need to talk to the ITC people, on wednesday. they all ah... oh well.
i need to talk to NC, i feel that i'm neglecting them. are they in good hands? are they trng? are they improving? gosh i feel so not in touch with them. should do something. competition is like so near... oh well.
i need to talk to my friends! haha. if not i feel so sian in school. today the whole world keep asking me why am i so sad or whatever. i'm not, it's just that I GOT NO VOICE. DAMN FREAK.
i need to talk to my mum! freak shit. everytime i want to ask her sth i feel so tired and lazy cos' it strains my throat. damn.
I NEED TO ALTER MY SAFARI, before promotion parade. i don't want to look like any other bus uncle again and let cl vivian mock at me, rahh!
I NEED TO FREAK OUT AND RELAX, i keep having that weird vision about PW results. i don't want a C in my cert. i never had a C in my cert la, not even a B please. omg. this would be my first B or C in my entire life. DAMN. B LA. C like sai like that. i think i will just skip school and hate my PW teacher forever. maybe hate myself too, for doing such a lousy job. (damn, heart pumps.)
I WANT TO TALK ABOUT CAMP TOO. but i need photos, so i shall wait. been bloghopping and realise RSM is quite famous on the first day, lol. cool (msn emoticon with the cool shades pops out in my head)! but alright i didn't do a good job, i think. seriously. but well it's over, treat it as a lesson learnt. trainees also not very good, from what i observed. they are..., oh well. if you have been through more than one or two training camps you'll understand whatever i'm saying. haha. and i'm quite worried this is my last camp, oh well. let's see where fate brings me. I WILL UPDATE ON CAMP SOON! :) it's a good and well-planned camp on the trainers' side though. hee.
this is one of the very very few photos i took. S1 NCO acting like a kid. (he is one.)
AND YOU KNOW WHAT. TODAY TEMASEKJC GAVE US A HALF-DAY! (yes surprisingly, hee.) as very good students who respect the college policy, we left school early :) SO I MEET CHUA WENLIN FOR MOVIE! :)
(since she got holidays while the rest are commontesting away, oh well, bobian, HAHA.)
and i scolded her for not attending campfire which was such a fun thing and all. (FYI juniors, she was logistics head 1000years ago in xmsjab. she really suck at it, HAHA.) yea as vibrant youths who support the arts scene, we watched step-up2! coool, like the female lead. :D better than the first, i think.
my thoughts seem very aloud today.
and i swear to update on camp. :)
there's H3 tmr. (gosh, damn it. freakshit.)
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